Short and to the point.
I changed our car insurance to a different company. The lady in the office is Ukrainian married to a Russian man. When I greeted her in Russian, her whole face burst into a big smile. They only speak Russian at home, so their two children won't lose their mother language. After 20 minutes of conversation, we invited each other over for meals. She told us to not eat that day before we arrive, because she cooks a lot of food. They want to visit relatives in Ukraine. I've offered to go with them. (Christine is frowning.)
Christine is faithfully writing blogs, while fighting to learn how to post them. I offered to post them all for her, but she’s stubborn. She’s adorable.
I gave up on doing videos on the Gospel of John for now. Can't do two books at the same time.
I published my book on evangelism back in 1989. Since then I’ve held seminars in churches and taught evangelism courses in three colleges. Those courses opened my eyes to some additional ideas for attempting to bring someone into the kingdom. So I’m working on some blogs, which will become a small addition to my book, that hopefully will give you more help in directing another person to Jesus.
I know I already mentioned this. Christine is real close to finishing her next novel. With just two chapters to go, she still can’t find a title. We’ve had some funny discussions trying to find it. You will hear about it as soon as she finishes the book, finds a title, finds a cover that fits, and I get it published on Amazon.
Christine cast her lure into the river in an effort to straighten out her tangled line. The lure had barely hit the surface of the running water when a 12 inch brown trout gobbled it up. I quit after ten minutes of casting. We had a delicious lunch.

Lots more happening, but I believe in short emails. I'm not posting photos of our 45 mph winds that sent our trashcans flying onto the neighbors property uphill and ten acres away. Our raised bed garden is still standing.
Keep checking our website (thebiblecompass.com), so you don't miss anything between newsletters.
Floyd & Christine
Christine's Publications
Floyd's Publications