John's Gospel Videos

My approach is simple. Each video is clearly numbered with chapter and verses included. I won't jump ahead, like reading the last chapter of a novel first. I won't bore you with the structure of the book before we've read the entire book and have a handle on the content. No cross-references, since the author didn't include them in the text. I will point out some interesting connections with things in previous passages that pop up along the way. Like reading a novel the right way. The author wants us to make connections along the way with things in previous chapters, but he wants us to read the last chapter last.

p.s. The quality of the videos should improve over time.

Of the four gospels, John remains the most controversial. John pulls no punches. He won't build his case that Jesus is God. He states it plainly at the very beginning and then piles on overwhelming evidence of that fact. He nowhere attempts to prove Jesus' identity. John isn't writing to the Jewish audience, as did Matthew. He isn't writing to the Romans, so dear to Mark's heart. He isn't writing to the Greeks. Only a Greek doctor, Luke, could do that. John is writing to anyone seeking God. Period. His evidence? Details of impossible miracles, unparalleled teaching and a constant challenge: Do you believe yet?


John 1:1-5

John 1:6-13

John 1:14-18

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