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Modern Fiction

Christine has been working on her latest novel for three years. During the time of upheaval when we bought property in Montana, had a house built, traveled back and forth over two mountain passes (yes, in the winter too), moved just before the electricity in our valley went out and the temperature dropped to -29 degrees. Making new friends and adjusting to a very different culture. Yes, writer's block does exist, but she is on her final edit! We will keep you posted.

Historical Fiction


In the Shadow of the Cathedral

Christine's first historical novel. She had spent years wanting to write this novel.


Hammering at the Doors of Heaven

This is Christine's second novel in the series. She finished 95% of it while living in St. Petersburg Russia. Watch the following video to be stunned at everything Christine was doing in that city.

It Hurts to Say Goodbye

An unbelievable journey from Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk (staying with a black marketeer on the back side of the Ural Mountains), Moscow, Khabarovsk (Far East Russia), finally back to St. Petersburg

Bible Books

Goodness for God's Sake

Lessons in Trust

Time for Authenticity

Mark Challenges the Aeneid

(What's the Aeneid?)

Election? Predestination? Calling?
Ask the question "why" and let the text speak for itself.
(Coming: Final Edit)

Religions and Culture?
(Coming: Final Edit)


Floyd wrote this book because Dr. John Lennox strongly encouraged him to do so.


Missions Books


We Never Saw It Coming

This is what happened


We Never Saw It Coming (college textbook)

This is what happened AND the lessons learned from what happened.



What happens when a believer finds himself leading men into combat?

Floyd's Fiction


I wrote this because I had lots of time on my hands. I'm hooked.  Fiction writing is fun!

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